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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

General Byteboard FAQ & Answers

❓ Can we edit the Byteboard invitation email or send invitation links directly?

❓ Do candidates need a Google account to take an interview?

❓ Can we be notified if a candidate does not complete an interview in the designated time period or before their deadline?

❓ Can I re-send a Byteboard interview if the original email invite bounced?

❓ When sending invites, what’s the difference between the interview levels? (e.g., Senior vs Junior) & How do we know which level to send?

❓ How does Byteboard assess candidate satisfaction and how can we track it?

❓ What can we do to improve turnaround time?

❓ What packages can candidates use in Byteboard interviews?

❓ What if a candidate has a technical issue during their interview?

❓ Does Byteboard track demographic data for candidates? How does Byteboard provide a more fair interview for demographics that are typically more adversely impacted?

❓ What does Byteboard do to prevent cheating and plagiarism?

Cheating Detection and Prevention Policies in place at Byteboard

❓ What is the timeline for grading?

❓ Does Byteboard require testing in the coding modules?

❓ How can we be notified when an evaluation is completed?

❓ How do AI Assistance Tools Impact the Byteboard Interview?

Read more about Byteboard’s philosophy on AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot and how Byteboard’s assessment methodology continues to be resilient to similar tools.

❓ How does Byteboard save us time during the interview process?

Read more about how using Byteboard as your technical interview solution saves time for your Eng team for every candidate! More details here on our time savings calculations.

❓ Can I Review Assessment Questions? / How do I Send Test Interviews to Review Interview Materials?

The best way to review assessment questions that your candidates will see is to send yourself/internal team members test Byteboard interviews. Read more here!