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❓ Can we be notified if a candidate does not complete an interview in the designated time period or before their deadline?

Unfortunately, we don't currently offer notifications for candidates whose interviews are marked as Incomplete or Expired.

  • You can always see a complete list of Incomplete candidates by starting at the Performed view in the Candidates table, and setting an Interview Status filter like you can see in this screenshot below.
    • Notion image
  • You can also see a complete list of Expired candidates by starting at the All view in the Candidates table, and setting an Interview Status filter like you can see in this screenshot below.
Notion image

If these notifications are a feature you would like, please reach out and let us know!

*Note — if a candidate’s Byteboard interview is marked as Incomplete, they will automatically receive an email notification letting them know that their interview was not fully submitted and asking them for feedback on what could have improved their interview experience.
Best Practice — if a candidate is marked Incomplete but reaches out to you directly about technical issues during their interview time, contact to discuss resolving these issues and possible next steps for that candidate!

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