Review the Recommended Candidate Email Comms
To introduce Byteboard to your candidates for their next interview round with Byteboard, we have a template of recommended email comms here you can share with candidates.
- We often find that sending a supplementary note like this can help drive candidate engagement. Feel free to use or modify to your needs.
The candidate comms template also mentions the Byteboard interview guide that candidates access via their interview link and can use to review additional resources on the interview structure and setup.
Candidate Invite Email & Pre-Interview Guide
Before candidates officially start their interview, the interview link takes them to a pre-interview portal/guide with a lot of info. including:
- How to prepare for the Byteboard interview technical setup
- Suggestions for how to allocate time for Part 1 and Part 2
- Video walkthrough examples of the two interview parts
Byteboard Platform Walk-through
Dashboard Page
- Quick access to view Byteboard’s impact and candidate metrics. If there are metrics you are interested in seeing, please let us know!
- When your account is first starting out (before the first ten candidate interviews are finalized), the Dashboard page will contain useful onboarding info like:
- A list of suggested onboarding steps and actions to take
- Links to key help articles like this platform onboarding walkthrough, how to integrate your ATS, and a video that reviews the structure and content of the skills reports
- Byteboard benchmarks compared to the industry standard for metrics like avg onsite to offer rate and average interviewing time savings from using Byteboard
- As your account data grows, the dashboard will dynamically change to reflect your candidate metrics and other insights into your Byteboard account usage!

Invites Page
- This is a tool for sending candidate invitations -- you will be asked to provide a candidate’s email, name (optional), interview type, and deadline (default is 7 days from the invitation date). All input is saved locally, so you can leave the page and return before sending your interview invites. Once a candidate has been invited, you can track their progress on the Candidates tab.

Candidates Table Page
- This is a tracker containing several views for candidate data (Performed, Invited, and All). From this page you can check any candidate’s interview status, update the interview type or deadline for invited candidates, click on candidates to view all of their materials, and input for candidate hiring data (next steps and offer status).

Manage Users / Team Settings Page
Account admins can manage and add users through the Manage Users settings page found in the top right menu. There are three different permissions levels of access:
- Candidate Reviewer: can only view anonymized candidate materials and reports. Typically, best suited for engineering reviewers.
- Recruiter: can view candidate profiles, materials, and reports, send out interview invitations, and edit a candidate’s ‘Next Steps’
- Admin: has full access to do everything a recruiter can do and manage your company’s users and preferences (including ATS integration setup). Admins can also edit roles of other users through the Settings page. There can be multiple admin users per company, although we recommend to not have more than a few for security reasons.

Admins also have access to the Team Settings page found in the top right menu.

From Team Settings, you can:
- Set up your Greenhouse or Lever ATS integrations
- Initiate the Setup Process for Single Sign-On (SSO)
- and/or Request deletion for Candidate PII (emails and names) data for your Byteboard account

Slack Support Channel Setup
If you use Slack at your organization, contact us to let us know and we can set up a shared Slack Connect channel to facilitate easy communication and updates between our teams!
Slack will also provide automatic notifications for when candidate skills reports are finalized and ready to view.

Single Sign-On (SSO) & Social Login Setup
Byteboard offers multiple options for you to configure your account user access, including:
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- If your organization uses Okta, OneLogin, Google Workspace SSO, or another SAML-based identity provider to manage users and app access, we can create a direct connection to your identity provider and allow your users to log in with their universal credentials.
- Social Sign-In with Google
- If your organization has a Google Workspace account but does not use Google to manage access to applications, we can enable a Sign In with Google option for your account. This will allow your users to log in with an existing set of credentials rather than creating a new password.