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🔎 Searching, Sorting, and Filtering the Candidates Table

Tips and recommendations for best organizing your Byteboard candidate data in the portal!

From the Byteboard Candidates dashboard, you can easily search for and filter candidate data in a few different ways, detailed below:

1. Searching the Candidates Table

You can easily search the Candidates table using the search bar at the top. Search for key words like the candidate’s Byteboard ID, Name, and Email.

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Best Practice - Use the search bar at the top of the Candidates tab to quickly locate the candidate data that you need, searching by ID, Name, or Email. Click into the search result to quickly access that candidate’s Skills Report!

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2. Sorting the Candidates Table - by Column Headers

You can sort the Candidates table (ascending or descending) by any of the default data column headers. Sort by clicking the column header name (in purple) and choosing a descending view (down arrow) or ascending view (up arrow).

  • The default table view is sorted by Interview Date in a descending fashion.
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3. Adding Filters to the Table Data

You can apply filters to the Candidates table to narrow down the view to display candidates that meet specific criteria. Add filters by clicking ‘Add Filter’ at the top, selecting the Column you’d like to filter on, and specifying the input(s) within that column to include in your filtered view.

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  • ^ In the example above, the Candidates table is filtered on the column ‘Interview Type’ and only displaying ‘Senior SWE’ candidates

You can apply multiple filters simultaneously to narrow down the table data even more.

  • If you’d like to add an additional filter, click + Add Filter next to your existing filter
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4. Using ‘Interview Types’ for More Advanced Filtering

Typically, Interview Type is used to specify the Byteboard interview domain and level (e.g., Senior SWE, Junior SWE) that is sent out to your candidates and used to calibrate the level of grading for that candidate’s performance.

  • More specific naming conventions can be created for your Interview Types to allow for advanced filtering in the Candidates table. Refer to this help article for more info on how to do this!
*Note — if at any time you’d like to create more specific Interview Types, reach out to the Byteboard team to discuss options and create the best names for your filtering needs. Interview Type is a field that must be configured by a Byteboard team member!

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