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❓ What is included in the ‘Design Exercise (Part 1) Summary’ Section?

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The Design Exercise (Part 1) Summary offers additional detail about a candidate’s performance on the first portion of the interview.


Section Takeaways provide bullet-pointed insights into the Design Exercise, including:

  • Conclusion: i.e., the final recommendation that the candidate makes for the technical decision in question in the Design Exercise.
  • Communication and Sense of Collaboration: The overall communication skills demonstrated by the candidate throughout the Design Exercise, including tone and asking questions of colleagues.
  • Domain-Specific Knowledge: Highlights the areas specific to the type of interview that the candidate was assigned (Software Engineering, Mobile Engineering, etc.).
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If you want to read more about what each of these Summary sections represent, you can hover on the info icon here and see more detail about our expectations and measures for each.
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Beneath the question takeaways, you can view the Grader Notes. These come directly from our graders and aim to provide some additional nuance for indicators or behaviors that they noted for certain questions in the Design Exercise.

You may not see Grader Notes for every question on every Skills Report, since graders will only highlight the nuances that are most relevant for each candidate.

Design Exercise (Part 1) Raw Submission

*Note — to view the candidate’s raw submission for the Design Exercise of their interview, click on the Design Exercise (Part 1) tab at the top of the Skills Report.

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