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❓ What do the ‘Next Steps’ and ‘Offer Status’ fields at the top of the Skills Report impact?

Next Steps & Offer Status can be populated directly from a candidate’s Skills Report page or from the Candidates table data columns.

One key way for us to calibrate is by understanding where candidates land in your interview process. The Next Steps and Offer Status dropdown menus let you share that information.

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  • Once you make a decision, selecting the most relevant option for each candidate goes a long way towards helping us improve our recommendations!
*Note — Populating Next Steps and Offer Status does not generate any notifications to send to your candidates. This data is only visible internally in your Byteboard portal.

Next Steps - once a candidate has completed their BB interview, best practice is to populate this field (whenever possible) to indicate what next steps for the candidate are

  • Possible values are: Onsite, Rejected, Technical Phone Screen, Technical Phone Screen & Onsite, Withdrew, and N/A
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*Note — data inputted in this field will directly impact the Dashboard insights and metrics visible from your portal dashboard, specifically Pipeline Insights.
Even if the Onsite or Technical Phone Screen & Onsite options do not match exactly with your team’s candidate next steps (the interview round name, etc.), we recommend selecting one of these two options for all candidates who are brought forward in your interview process. This helps Byteboard align your account’s grading calibration for each interview type, and provides insight into candidate outcomes data.

Offer Status - in addition to Next Steps, use this field to indicate whether a candidate that continued on in the interview process received an offer and what the status of their offer is

  • Possible values: No Offer, Offer Made, Offer Accepted, Offer Declined, Withdrew, & N/A
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*Note — data inputted in this column will directly impact the Dashboard insights and metrics visible from your portal dashboard, specifically Offers Made and Pipeline Insights.
Best practice is for your team to populate the Offer Status and Next Steps fields for each candidate (whenever possible) to receive maximum benefit from the Byteboard portal’s dashboard insights and metrics.

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