Product Release Notes: April 2024 - June 2024
6/10/24: Custom Interviews Now Available in CodeCollab
Create your own live coding questions in advance with custom interviews. This allows you to organize and upload custom questions that include a candidate guide, interviewer questions, and a zip upload of a starter codebase or other configurations in advance of the interview. Custom CodeCollab interviews allow you to drive consistency and measurability throughout your interview process by using a standard set of questions designed for your company’s unique needs. For instructions on creating a custom interview for CodeCollab, see here.

5/28/24: Systems Design Interview Now Available in CodeCollab
CodeCollab now supports systems design interviews as a type of “blank” interview in the language dropdown. Based on, this intuitive diagramming tool will help clients understand how candidates approach designing complex technical systems. The Systems Design interview also supports UML.

5/3/24: CoreEval Default View and URL Configuration Changes
Incomplete and Expired Candidates Hidden
Incomplete and Expired candidates are now hidden by default on the CoreEval Candidates table. Users can modify this filter, add new filters, or clear all filters.
Updated URL Configuration for CodeCollab and CoreEval
Invite screen now uses coreeval
or codecollab
in the URL to navigate between tabs, allowing the user to share links to specific tabs. Using the previous link will default to append coreeval
at the end of the URL.
5/1/24: Copy/Paste Function Disabled
Candidates can no longer use their system clipboard to copy text out of the Byteboard document or paste text into comment box responses.
4/29/24: Support for 3rd Party Libraries and Frameworks in CodeCollab
CodeCollab now supports 3rd party libraries and frameworks in all languages, with the exception of C++. Instructions for using this feature can be found here.
4/24/24: Customize Notifications
Edit notifications on the Team Setting page. From there, customize the email, choose to receive notifications on finalization, and update emails to cc on candidate invites.

4/22/24: Multiple Interviews in CodeCollab
Candidates can now take multiple CodeCollab interviews, each with potentially different configurations, languages, interview panels, and feedback. This change comes alongside a new candidates page that separates CoreEval and CodeCollab into two different tabs, each of which has a new navigation bar on the left side for switching between different modules (for CoreEval) and different live coding interviews (for CodeCollab).
The new candidates page is in effect for all clients, and multiple CodeCollab support is in effect for all clients who have the live coding feature enabled in their platform settings.

4/4/24: Staff SWE Improvements
Staff Software Engineer Assessment Improvements Both sections of the CoreEval assessment for Staff SWE were shortened in order to improve candidate experience. These changes were informed by analyzing candidate response data and focusing on areas where the time spent by candidates outweighed the signal their responses provided.
4/1/24: Java Support for Staff SWE
Candidates now have the option to select Java when taking a Staff Software Engineer assessment.