After selecting your desired view in the Candidates table, you may then filter on the different data fields that are displayed as column headers.

The following fields are available by default:
1. ID
- An auto-generated Byteboard ID, assigned to each candidate in order to anonymize every interview. Each candidate has a unique ID and this is the unique identifier for a candidateās specific interview results
2. Email
- The candidateās email address to which the Byteboard interview invite is sent out
3. Name
- The candidateās first and last name
4. Interview Type
- The specific interview type that is sent to the candidate for their Byteboard assessment
- Typically, the interview type naming convention identifies the interview domain and level
- e.g., Junior Mobile, Senior Mobile, Junior SWE
5. Interview Date
- The date on which the candidate completed and submitted their Byteboard interview
6. Interview Status
- This column shows the candidateās Byteboard assessment performance rating once their interview has been graded and finalized by the Byteboard team
- Possible values are: Invited, Active, ETA, Expired, Strong, Leaning Strong, Needs Improvement, Poor, Incomplete, and SupportActive
- There are four top-level ratings: Strong, Leaning Strong, Needs Improvement and Poor. We recommend thinking about each rating as follows:
- Strong: we recommend all Strong candidates be brought onsite immediately because we believe they are a good match for this role at this level
- Leaning Strong: we believe this candidate has most of the skills required for this role at this level. We recommend bringing them onsite but that you dive deeper into skills that are lacking to fill in the gaps
- Needs Improvement: We do not recommend these candidates for this role, but this candidate might perform better at the previous level. If you decide to bring them onsite, evaluate them at a different level
- Poor: we do not recommend bringing these candidates onsite for this role and level
- Invited candidates were sent a Byteboard interview email invite but havenāt yet taken completed the interview
- Active candidates are currently taking their Byteboard interview
- Expired candidates were sent an interview invite but didnāt complete the interview before their scheduled deadline
- The Expired status only appears in the All view of the Candidates table
- Incomplete status indicates that a candidate began the Byteboard interview, but it was not fully completed or submitted
- Typically, incomplete interviews were abandoned after being opened or the first part was submitted and the second part was left blank
- SupportActive indicates that our Support team is currently working to resolve issues they encountered while taking or submitting their Byteboard interview
- The SupportActive status only appears in the All view of the Candidates tab
7. Next Steps - once a candidate has completed their BB interview, best practice is to manually populate this field to indicate what next steps for the candidate are
- Available values: Onsite, Rejected, Technical Phone Screen, Technical Phone Screen & Onsite, Withdrew, & N/A

8. Offer Status - in addition to Next Steps, use this column to indicate whether a candidate that continued on in the interview process received an offer and what the status of their offer is
- Available values: No Offer, Offer Made, Offer Accepted, Offer Declined, Withdrew, & N/A

9. Invite Sender - This column displays the email address for the person who sent the Byteboard interview email invite, and populates automatically for all invites that are sent directly from your Byteboard portal