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Systems design interviews

A quick start guide to CodeCollab for systems design interviews

Before you begin

Systems design interviews are not collaborative and interviewers are not able to join the CodeCollab interview session. To start a systems design interview, please follow the Interviewer Instructions detailed below and instruct the candidate to screen share via video conferencing platform to follow along.

Interviewer Instructions

To initiate a systems design CodeCollab interview:

  1. Visit the CODECOLLAB tab on the candidate report page
  1. Click the Add Interview in the left-hand side bar to create a new CodeCollab interview
    1. Optional: Rename the interview to Systems Design by clicking on the EDIT button
  1. From the Interview Type, select Blank CodeCollab Interview
  1. In the language selection menu, select Systems Design
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  1. To invite the candidate to the interview, copy the candidate link or send the candidate an invitation email
  1. At the time of the interview, start the interview by pressing the Start Interview button. The candidate will now be able to access the CodeCollab editor session, and you can request that they share their screen.
  1. At the end of the interview, press the End Interview button.
  1. All diagrams and files from the interview will appear in the Byteboard dashboard.

Candidate Instructions

Once a candidate has been invited to a systems design CodeCollab interview and the interviewer has started the interview, the candidate should be able to access the CodeCollab editor via a launch button in their interview hub.

The CodeCollab interview will be preloaded with a diagram.drawio.svg file where the candidate can use visual drawing tools to solve the interview problem.

  1. To create additional diagram files, simply create a new file with the file extension .drawio.svg.
  1. To ensure files are properly exported at the end of the interview, we recommend creating additional files rather than creating multiple pages in the same file.

Below is a recap on systems design interview features:

  • Text file: A text file will be available in platform where the candidate can add notes on their design.
  • Additional files: The candidate is welcome to add additional files of any kind during the interview via the new file button in the file browser.
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  1. Auto-upload: All files from the interview will be automatically uploaded when the interviewer ends the interview.
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Platform Notes

  • The systems design drawing platform is based on, so it’s easy to test the platform out before using it in your interviews.
  • You can enable UML and other modeling language features by clicking the More Shapes button in the left-hand side bar.
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