Before you begin
This document is for users with Admin, Interview, or Recruiter permissions who are interested in adding skills rubrics to custom CodeCollab interview experience.
Rubrics in CodeCollab allows teams to select skills evaluated in live technical interviews and evaluate candidates based on a structured rubric.
About rubrics in CodeCollab
CodeCollab enables interviewers to give feedback on interviews via structured rubrics. These rubrics are available for the following CodeCollab interview formats:
- CoreEval continuation
- Custom CodeCollab
For CoreEval continuation interviews, rubrics to measure relevant skills will be available for use by default.
Configuring assessment rubrics in custom CodeCollab interviews.
To configure rubrics in CodeCollab within a custom CodeCollab assessment:
- Click the Name of the interview and expand the drop-down to the right of Skills
- Select the skills that will be evaluated in the custom CodeCollab interview

The platform will automatically compile a list of questions tailored to your selected skills and present them to interviewers in the form of a rubric that is visible during and after the CodeCollab interview. You can read a more detailed description of the skills and the questions associated with each skill by clicking Preview Skills and Questions.
You can read more about configuring custom CodeCollab interviews here.
Rubrics in CodeCollab use a behaviorally-anchored grading methodology, which grounds questions in specific behaviors and outcomes demonstrated by candidates. This system provides the most effective evaluation possible while also reducing bias.

Interviewer feedback results
All interviewer feedback and rubric results will be visible in the Byteboard platform on the candidate report page for the corresponding interview. Byteboard also supports writing CodeCollab interviewer feedback to Greenhouse.
For each skill selected, a 3-point rating (Not Proficient, Partially Proficient, Proficient) will be provided based on an interviewers feedback inputs; the rating scale is consistent with the skill scoring system from CoreEval. Note, skill ratings are only available per interview and are not aggregated into a top-level skill score across interviews evaluating the same skills.
An overall interviewer recommendation is included in the interviewer feedback; this recommendation is derived from the interviewers selection to the following question: Do you think the candidate passed the interview?

Blank CodeCollab Interviews
To configure rubrics for CodeCollab interviews, you can simply create a custom interview that uses the same base files as the blank interviews and choose the skills your interview measures.