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Interviewer basics

A quick start guide to CodeCollab for interviewers

Before you begin

This document is for users with Interviewer permissions who are conducting live technical interviews using the CodeCollab platform.


CodeCollab is a collaborative live coding environment that allows teams to host live coding interviews within Byteboard’s all-in-one hiring platform. Using a familiar IDE based on Visual Studio Code, CodeCollab allows hiring teams to pair code and collaborate on multi-file codebases, understand candidate communication, and adapt follow-up questions on the fly or by leveraging Byteboard’s custom interview guide.


A board is a single live interview where the candidate and interviewer write and run code in CodeCollab (a collaborative live coding environment).


How you start an interview depends on the whether a candidate has taken a Byteboard CoreEval in the past. Review the available interview formats for more information at CodeCollab interview formats.

Conducting an interview


Using the CodeCollab editor

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