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CodeCollab Overview

About CodeCollab

About CodeCollab

CodeCollab is a collaborative live coding environment that allows teams to host live coding interviews within Byteboard’s all-in-one hiring platform.


Using a familiar IDE based on Visual Studio Code, CodeCollab allows hiring teams to pair code and collaborate on multi-file codebases, understand candidate communication, and adapt follow-up questions on the fly or by leveraging Byteboard’s custom interview guide.


Using CodeCollab offers several key benefits:

  • Simpler processes: By bringing another component of your interview plan into Byteboard, you can simplify and eliminate the need for another tool to facilitate technical interviews.
  • Happier candidates: CodeCollab lets candidates showcase their skills in a context where they have already spent independent, focused time - a big step up from the unfamiliar, start-from-scratch interviews that haunt candidate nightmares. Read more here on Why Consistent Interview Contexts Make for Better Hiring
  • More signal: For continuing CoreEval candidates, our tailored questions enable a more in-depth exploration of a candidate's Byteboard CoreEval interview responses. These questions are validated and provide interviewers with a structured framework to operate within.
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